Viral Hooks - those catchy bits of dialogue that stop the scroller and unlock the true power behind scaling with social media: Viewer Retention. In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, the quest for creating engaging content that stands out from the crowd has become more crucial than ever.
If you're a bit confused at what we mean by "hooks" - then don’t fret, it’s simple. A hook essentially does what its name describes: it hooks your audience into your video and stops them from scrolling.
Think of viral hooks as the irresistible lure that draws people into your content, enticing them to act, whether it's liking, commenting, sharing, or clicking through to your website. Essentially, they're the secret sauce that propels ordinary content into the realm of viral sensation.
A good hook should have eye-catching visuals, a clear value statement that articulates why this viewer should watch your content (i.e. tips to help save them money / teaching them an insider trick) and should be followed up with a call-to-action for your audience to learn more.
But why should I use hooks? Well, hooks lead to higher watch times - which leads to more views and traffic - which leads to more leads in your pipeline - which leads to business growth!
Need I say more?
Not sure where to get started? Check out these viral hook examples we think have potential:
• "This one is for..." / EXAMPLE: "This one is for middle-aged moms looking for a fitness regimen that works!"
• "If you want to achieve.....Listen up!" / EXAMPLE: "If you want to get accepted to the best law school in the country then listen up!"
• "You need to watch this if you struggle with...." / EXAMPLE: "You need to watch this if you're struggling to buy an affordable home!"
• "How to....FOR FREE!" / EXAMPLE: "Here's how you're going to find the right employee WITHOUT paying a headhunter!"
• "What are some weird things people don't know about X?" / EXAMPLE: "Here's 3 weird things people don't know about Spelunking!
• “This cost the X industry upwards of $Y!” / EXAMPLE: “This one thing cost the hotel industry $5 billion!”
• “This is the simplest way to launch a successful X in one day!” / EXAMPLE: “This is the simplest way to launch a successful business in one day!”
• “They don’t want you to know this secret about…” / EXAMPLE: “The publishing industry doesn’t want you to know this secret about AI generated books!” • “You’ve never seen anything like this…”/ EXAMPLE: You’ve never seen anything like this in New York City before!”
• “I Never… and here’s why!” / EXAMPLE: “I will NEVER eat waffles anymore and HERES WHY!”
Here’s our runners up:
• “This Is the Best Product I’ve Ever Used…”
• “I Was ‘Today Years Old’ When I Found Out…”
• “Try …. to accomplish your goals!”
• “How to Create…”
• “I’m trying … so you don’t have to!”
Liked those? Good! Start using them today in your own video content and watch the retention rate grow!
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